Sunday, February 28, 2010
Everything is Relative to the Strength of the Family
It’s time for both parties to get serious about education. The continued political posturing is only going to continue our downward trend against other developed and developing nations.
What is disappointing to me is that Democrats claim they are the party of Education and the Republicans claim they are the party of fiscal responsibility and strong family values.
From my perspective, the verdict is still out. If the Democratic Party truly values education then why are Democrats continuously writing legislation and/or ignore Children and Family Services and Family Law Legislation that is creating “generational poverty” and shattering traditional families like fine crystal? This generational poverty is decimating the family beyond repair and emotionally crushing children’s spirits.
These family legislative initiatives are directly impacting the classroom. What’s causing it? Performance and incentive measures, through the Title IV B-D programs and Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development's DWD chapter 44, which is the bounty on the family here in Wisconsin. This is why I have stated for years that the very lobbyist,special interest groups and Democrats that claim they strongly support teachers and education is the very same party that is slip-knotting many educators by writing Family Law and Children and Family Services Legislation that has for decades brought a counter-balanced crushing blow to education and test scores i.e. Milwaukee School Districts.
The above mentioned revenue streams flow directly back into county budgets for payrolls and admin. costs. All the matches, incentives and performance measures on the family are all paid for by the American taxpayers.
This conduct that has been taking place for the last two decades is directly impacting the classroom and education. The “Race to the Top” and performance-based-pay is the biggest insult you can inflict upon the educational system, under these unprecedented dynamics mentioned above. All the while, Arne Duncan is saying Obama really cares about education...really?
As a Fiscal Conservative Republican I ask my fellow Republicans, “What part of this you don’t understand”? If Republicans and Democrats had a meeting of the minds that created legislation to stop the incentives that shatter traditional families and children, in a bi-partisan fashion, it would only net a win-win for everyone. Immobilizing the lobbyist and special interest hang-over within education from both sides is paramount. Stronger families, elimination of generational poverty, and the positive impact on education would have a breathtaking result. Who doesn’t want to see America’s children be strong, confident, and prosperous? Isn’t that the American dream? Prosperity through the strengths of a traditional family and a great educational experience is the only way to achieve this.
This “dream” can happen, but policy makers need to take note. For starters, the funding that’s being generated through the Social Security Administration Title IV B-D and the incentives that both create generational poverty and shatter traditional families could be shifted over to education. Then the funding that is presently being created through property taxes would be significantly reduced by millions of millions of dollars because Social Security Administration Title IV B-D has billions...
The next step would be to put a huge emphasis on faith-based initiatives to strengthen traditional families, which only cost millions rather than hundreds of millions and billions. A faith-based initiative would then reduce the billions of taxpayer dollars being funneled in and out of the Social Security Administration Title IV B-D programs.
America we need to understand that “The Race to The Top” will bring many consequential and civil liberty concerns within the underlying agendas that have not yet been revealed. This education reform by both parties will have many of the same hallmarks of the health care reform cram-down. We won’t know the full extent of the damage until it’s too late.
The criteria set-forth within the “Race to the Top” creates compounding tension, when animosity is already high, towards many traditional teachers and administrators across America. This move by the progressives (From both parties)is a premeditated and very stealth-like move to give the perception that it’s appeasing the masses, while throwing the last remaining traditional teachers and administrators overboard in an effort to divert attention away from the real agenda.
The consequences for the unchecked and three tiered “Race to the Top”, through the performance and incentive push will overshoot its perceived intended target , thus having the potential to forever change the founding principles of American history, the freedom to say the Pledge of Allegiance and the little bit of Biblical history being taught within some schools.
It’s possible that once the majority of states have been injected with “The Race to The Top” anesthesia, there could be a full-on assault to strip out centuries of history that dates all the way back to our Founding Fathers and beyond. Under these present education reform measures it makes one wonder if textbooks and digital media publishing companies will be forced to leave out priceless historical content that will bring a hyper-censoring effect upon education.
Both parties need to pause for just a moment and reflect on past and present reform agendas that have gone without a challenge. If we don’t, greed and corruption, driven by incentives and performances measures, that have historically trumped logic and commonsense, will be the direct result.
Many of these unchecked education reforms will historically come with decades of rolling conflicts that are impossible to ever reconcile. Our present leaders have shown no matter your party affiliation, if you’re not on board, you will not be heard.
EVERYTHING is relative to the strength of the family and great traditional teachers and administrators are the launching pad to prosperity, not poverty.