Thursday, February 18, 2010
Another Assault on Traditional Families
Many ask, what inspires you to continue to expose the underpinnings of the financial crisis? Most know my inspiration was influenced by the moral character and integrity of one ambitious community banker. This inspiration also deepens when I see the lack of compassion for American families, small business owners and taxpayers who are being forced to choke down 99.99% of the moral hazards created by the financial industry.
It’s seriously naïve to solely blame Wall Street banks for the origination and appraisal fraud. The hypocrisy and moral hazards are much broader. It’s feared that community banks and credit unions will cause a more serious financial crisis in the future. See link:
Capitalism isn’t the problem it’s the lack of prosecutions. A return of trust and confidence in the financial system is a matter of setting a precedence .Think of it this way: You’re at the bank with a large deposit. Upon your arrival, you realize the bank is being robbed. Do you continue into the bank and become a part of the crisis, or return the next day when the bank is safe and sound? If Washington can’t trust banks and the banks can’t trust banks then how can banks expect American taxpayers to? My point is this, forcing American taxpayers into situations that will leverage future generations, is unthinkable, especially when the bad guys are still in charge and lobbyists and politicians are waiting in a gold-plated getaway car.
Presently the growing consensus is that strict accountability through prosecution would guarantee confidence within the financial system. It’s overdue for the good banks to force bad banks into a perp walk through the town square, American taxpayers deserve their “pound of flesh”. I understand the whole brotherhood thing, but seriously now, we can’t move on to systemic job creation until the financial system functions properly.
I’m curious to see which 2010 candidate for Wisconsin Governor will be courageous enough to protect Wisconsin families who have been inadvertently impacted by the moral hazards of the financial industry.
Hold true to your family, for they will offer a much deeper joy then any banker or bill collector. In the end the wisest “saving plan” through these unprecedented economic times will be your family. To see the wholesale assault on Wisconsin families go to W.C.C.A.; enter institution's name and brace yourself.