Friday, March 23, 2012

Deadbeat Dad's And The Minority Myth The Cause & Effect Of The "The Meyer v. Teasdale Ruling"

After years of investigative research I have concluded that the deadbeat dad label is officially a myth. From 1998 to present, it has taken all of these years, turning over every lead and document to debunk the dead beat dad myth and find the catalyst that has unfairly labeled many great dads and moms. During this period I never really knew how close I was to the inner circle until the intimidation and retaliation became a relevant concern.

From lawmakers to the news media, the research I was doing was interesting but not news or election worthy subject. Most often dead beat dad stories have been cheered with applause but for all the wrong reasons. Even with our investigative reporting and mounting supporting documentation they stood firm that dads have no relevance.

For decades, many in state and county government have known that creating a so called deadbeat dads, shattered families, and poverty is very profitable for county budgets (Social Security Act Title IV (B) – (D). During my research I found supporting documents that not only would raise entitlement fraud-waste-abuse issues, but flagrant oath of office improprieties that would indicate the need to reopen thousands of family law cases.

Many within family law have seen it play out in court rooms and in chambers and have done nothing, even knowing one day this story would break. The very best within family law stood by observing clear and calculated activism that stripped due process and the right to fair and equitable representation. Knowing the culpability factor, why would so many in family law lack the courage to speak out?

The catalyst to creating a deadbeat dad. 1) An every other weekend periods of physical placement template that strips due process 2)Compromised representation  3) Willing guardian ad litem to look the other way  4) Designate the every other weekend parent as noncustodial to create a solid child support order that triggers W2 Programs with no due process  5)Implement the full force of DWD Chapter 44 / Social Security Act tile IV d  6)Create unprecedented poverty on the non-custodial parent so they can’t pay their child support
 7) Create commitment order for non-pay of child support. 8) Bench warrant with no hearing / no due process for non-pay of child support. 9)Weaponize Wisconsin Circuit Court Access by impressing upon employers and the public a presumption of guilt with vague and unfounded statements against the non-custodial parent. 10) To add insult to injury the IRS finally comes along not realizing the whole process was rigged and implements the final blow... Thinking only that you where trying to shirk responsibility, when your just trying to survive.

There have been recent changes in the status quo, but this doesn’t change the fact that many great child support paying dads and moms, amazing children, lively hoods, college funds, small businesses and reputations have been decimated by gaming years of family law for federal funding payments. The state has a duty after the Meyer .vs Teasdale ruling to make many, if not all of these parents whole again. For those who are willing to challenge my findings come out from behind closed doors, I will be waiting in the town square….Usurping the legislative process is not law its activism and true equality has no bias.